PCT mile 622 – back into the cold Mojave

The pleasure of getting into my sleeping bag and bivy sack, and out of this infernal wind is beyond description. I actually have feeling in my fingers.

It has been windy since I entered the Tehachapis, but yesterday the wind turned raw, bringing scudding clouds that threaten rain. It was good that I pitched my tarp last night – for only the second time on the trip – as a freezing drizzle commenced around midnight. Also I am pretty sure there was a small earthquake around 3am. There is only a half inch of foam between me and the ground, the shaking was pretty obvious.

Morning brought no respite from the cold wind, and I hiked fast trying to warm up. The trail turned east away from the crest, and this movement at least got me out of the clouds and drizzle.

mile 612

But the wind has continued to howl all day, almost knocking me off the trail at times. I did learn that clumps of Joshua Trees make excellent wind breaks and am camped behind one now. I am sure my tarp would blow away otherwise.

I’m unreasonably filthy – it was too cold to wash up when I was at a spring this morning. Now it may be over 25 miles to the next water, and I can’t spare any for washing.

Still…I found myself filled most of the day with a sense of well-being, and belonging, and being where I need to be. So it was another good day on the trail.

The Kelso Valley, mile 616