If I am sent back in time, 300 years, how do I manufacture antibiotics from scratch?

The easiest procedure would be to make tea from cinchona bark – enough quinine can be extracted this way to make a therapeutically useful dose for malaria treatment. Making a reasonably potent antibacterial compound is much more difficult. The natural ß-lactams, such as penicillin, are not chemically very stable, so you would have a very Read More …

Is it harmful to not finish antibiotics?

Doctors are taught that it is important to finish out a course of antibiotics, and they dutifully relay this information to their patients. But the determination of therapy duration is usually based on almost no evidence at all. This is especially true for our understanding of the risk of the development of resistance, which is Read More …

Am I breathing in germs if I’m smelling the garbage in my kitchen garbage can?

The number of cultivatable bacteria in a typical office environment is about 100 per cubic meter, somewhat lower than outdoor levels: From Concentrations of airborne culturable bacteria in 100 large US office buildings from the BASE study Hospitals show higher levels of cultivatable airborne bacteria, around 720 per cubic meter[1] . But if you really Read More …